My store is not taking any orders today due to health reasons which limit to my productivity.

My custom harmonicas, combs and tools are made to order. If items are out of stock on my website, it's likely due to my workload is at the limit. Please see my dealers for all items I offer.
Maximum production times may be up to 16 business days for combs and tools. Current production time for custom harmonicas are shown on the top of the custom page.

Thanks for your support.


These dealers usually have the items you need in stock and can ship them to you faster than I can and at a lower shipping cost.

My products are offered by the following dealers:


Jeffrey Wilson

Just about every Canadian harmonica player knows about Jeff Wilson. He's been offering diatonic and chromatic harmonica sales and service since 1986. His shipping is so fast and reliable, you can set your watch by it. He will check and adjust your harps prior to shipping.

Visit his site here:



United States:

Rockin Ron's
San Diego, Ca

Ron caries many of my items as well as a full line of harps and harmonica gear. His shipping is lightening fast and free for US customers! He has one of the best reputations in the business. Ron is the man you want to deal with, hands-down.

Visit his site here:




The Harmonica Company
United Kingdom

Julian and Dan have been at the helm of The Harmonica Company since 2016 and have moved it to a new level.

It is their aim to provide the harmonica world with the best online shopping and customer experience.

The Harmonica Company